When you feel like you're down, lost, or hopeless: just keep swimming.
Literally. Lately, I've been venting my frustration or stress though swimming. Today, upon receiving an email saying that I was not selected to be on the supply teaching list, I felt so crushed. After 12 hours of work, I quickly grabbed a bite and went for an hour long (1 hour and 15 min to be exact), non-stop, swimming. I just
kept on swimming. Someone once said,
"You never feel bad after a workout, you only do when you miss a workout." It's so true, something about pushing yourself, a little further, and further, heart beating faster and faster, endorphin being release, you feel a sense of brief bliss, removing oneself from the weight of the world falling on you (or whatever that is bothering you). While you're swimming, you're just focused on
stroke, stroke, stroke, breathe, stroke, stroke, stroke, breath. One arm after another, one kick after another, I'm
Finding Nemo is also one of my favourite movies.