Tuesday, May 15, 2012

What I learned from running


I have never been a runner. I remember when I was in elementary school, we'd be forced to run laps as spring turned to summer. Teachers would always stand by the finish line, watching us with their clipboards on one hand, time-stopper and pen in the other. As we'd cross the finish line one by one. they'd write down our finish time. Almost always - I came second-last (thank goodness for another girl or boy who was either suffering from asthma or was slightly over-weight). I remember dreading running more than anything! I would have rather played soccer. I think I hated running when I was young because I hated the feeling of being out of breath! I felt like my lungs were going to explode.

Fast forward twenty years …
and now I love running.

Who would have thought?
That same feeling- where lungs feel like they're about to burst- is actually very comforting.
It makes me feel alive

So running has taught me that...
1. When you think you can't do it, you actually can when you set your mind to it!
2. When you accomplish running a certain distance, you always want to do better: run longer, run faster. After reaching whatever goal you have, you want to set a bigger goal and work hard towards it.
3. If you want to do well in something, you have to be consistent! Taking a week off running and trying to run the same way as your last run is hard!

Thank you running, you've taught me a lot.

My goal is to eventually run 5K and 10K runs.

Do you run? If so how often and do you have any running routines?

1 comment:

  1. I was the same way...learning to run is so empowering.

    ♥ Shia


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