Friday, September 2, 2011

Cirque du Soleil

The other day our family, minus the brother, went to watch Cirque du Soleil perform. The show was pretty good, though I feel like there were too many comic relief fillers. But I have the highest regard for all the performers for putting on a really good show for everyone. As I grow older, I appreciate spending more time with my family and doing things together, which I would have dreaded if I were younger.

My sister is finally growing taller than me! Wow... I remember the day when she was born she fit into my arms.


My dad wanted to pose like the performer (above pic background), like a crane, but my sister was so embarrassed that my dad settled for this pose:


I can't believe it's September already! Enjoy your long weekend if you have Monday off!


  1. HAHAHAHA I love that last photo. Your dad is too funny.

  2. Gotta love the circus :)


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