Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My friend's dog: Roscoe


Roscoe is so adorable. I love my friend's dog so much more because he has an underbite! How loveable is that?

P.S. Can you see my info on the right side bar? It appears at the bottom of my blog. Does anyone know why? I reset my blog to default hoping it would fix it, but no avail.


  1. Super cute!!! I love that underbite too! Growing up I had a dachshund with an overbite and her tongue stuck out a little...she always looked so cute.

    Did you look under design at your gadget layouts? It seems like something has been moved to the top to move them to the bottom. Sometimes I hate blogger...if you try to fix something or add something everything gets messed up and it takes forever to fix it....good luck...I've totally been there

  2. I think I would have loved your dog!

    Yes... I'm trying to fix my blog layout but it's being a pain... thanks for the help!


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